Sheafer Collection
Branding, Exhibition Design
On Display at Sotheby’s Cologne, Frankfurt, and Hamburg, Germany Offices
The Sheafer collection was a set of Rococo and Baroque property that was donated to the Metropolitan Musem of Art by the Sheafer family. The collection was sold as part of the Decorative Arts auction. The logo for the set of property celebrates the Sheafers history of collecting and the baroque style they were so fond of. I designed a poster that showcased some of the more important pieces, many of which were acquired in Germany by the Sheafers. This poster was displayed in the German Sotheby’s offices in anticipation of its popularity among German collectors.
in collaboration with
Ana Rosales-Boujnah
Branding, Exhibition Design

On Display at Sotheby’s Cologne, Frankfurt, and Hamburg, Germany Offices
The Sheafer collection was a set of Rococo and Baroque property that was donated to the Metropolitan Musem of Art by the Sheafer family. The collection was sold as part of the Decorative Arts auction. The logo for the set of property celebrates the Sheafers history of collecting and the baroque style they were so fond of. I designed a poster that showcased some of the more important pieces, many of which were acquired in Germany by the Sheafers. This poster was displayed in the German Sotheby’s offices in anticipation of its popularity among German collectors.
in collaboration with
Ana Rosales-Boujnah